It's funny... whenever I finally get to my computer to post, I completely forget everything I wanted to say. Bummer.
Recently I've found time to work on my werewolf project again. I finally decided on an environment to put him in. Yay! First, some color thumbs.
The way the light is being cast is a bit off, but I didn't really have time to adjust it. :\ But at least the idea is there!
In the end I plan on taking three or more different staged renders of this scene since not only am I not an animator, but I am shorter on time than I would've liked. His original design ended up looking really doofy, so I decided to add a lulling tongue. So far it's been a blast!
I've been tweeking the model quite a bit, and added some elements. His texture map is a 512 x 512. Here are some work-in-progress renders:
This is my scene so far with the lighting scenario from the color thumbs above. The sky image is leftovers from a course I took awhile ago and is just a place holder for now... It almost makes this scene look like it's on an elevated building or something!
This wolf likes trash, apparently. One of the compositions will involve him digging through the trash in silhouette like this (or recently having done so). Another one, as seen above, will be him in the dumpster with a banana peel draped across his face. He's a classy boy, indeed!