Friday, January 8, 2010

Digital paintings from the end of 2009

I'm still hard at work on my portfolio -- still working on the imp's texture, which is coming along.

As for 2D, here are some other pieces I've been working on!

Two characters of mine, Cxuca (pronounced "shuu-kah") and Vanessa. Cxuca is an alien from another solar system, and Vanessa has been shunted into this world. It's a story I crave the time to develop and turn into a graphic novel.

This is a one-hour doodle I did in Photoshop last month. He's my personal creation I just call "Claw Beast" that I don't draw nearly enough...

An image I did for an LJ community I'm in, CritterxChange. This guy is someone else's design, but I took some major liberties with it. It's a great excuse to continue toying around with extra features in Photoshop! :)

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